
KneelingCowboyThe Christian life is about exchange. In the language of the New Testament, the term “exchange” was often used to denote currency exchange. No one “changes” money. We don’t go to a foreign country and look for the “change office” or check on the “change rate”. Therefore, to exchange means to give something to someone and receive from that person something totally different.
When I receive salvation from Jesus Christ, then I give my old sinfulĀ  life to Him in exchange for a brand new one! Are you ready to live a Life of Exchange?

Click on these items for more about the “Exchanged Life.”

Bill Bright
Bill Bright

To hear messages onĀ  the “Exchanged Life” click on the items below:

Pastor Wayne Kniffen
Pastor Wayne Kniffen
Pastor Dorman Duggan
Pastor Dorman
Living A Life of Exchange
Living A Life of Exchange

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